DOT is the eco-friendly notebook that comes in 3: blank pages for freedom of expression; dots for neat writing and coloured pages for creativity
News, eventi, suggestioni e novità dal mondo Arbos
Festivaletteratura getting greener
“Climate Action” is called the set of initiatives implemented to monitor the impact of the Festival.
Eulogy to the spiral
The spiral is one of the oldest symbols in human history. It is one of the most diffuse geometric shapes in nature. It is the form that the motion of universal energy takes.
10 years of MUSE
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its foundation, the MUSE in Trento confirms its collaboration with Arbos for the realisation of the merchandise.
Venice and Mantua: culture chooses green
The world of culture returns with meetings and initiatives in attendance, on topics concerning history, culture, but also current affairs, with a great focus on the environment.
Ocean the sea-saving notebook
On the occasion of International Mediterranean Sea Day on 8 July, Arbos presents Ocean, an ambitious new circular economy project.
Buffetti. Watchword: sustainability
‘I love green’ is an authentically green collection under the Buffetti brand that expresses the taste, quality and reliability that the historic brand represents.
Recycled paper to support Festivaletteratura
The recycled paper notebook made by Arbos was used for the event’s crowdfunding campaign.
Dante talks about us
Arbos wanted to celebrate the modernity of the great poet through ecological notebooks with a minimalist and contemporary look.
Ecological notebooks for the Arturo Toscanini competition
The refined ecological notebooks of the capsule collection will be the ideal place to collect and preserve memories and emotions of the young promises of music.
Coloriamoci: ecology and creativity on a child’s scale
With the Coloriamoci collection, Arbos dedicates a quality space for young children to explore and develop their creativity.
Digital Identity Notebook: what is our “real” identity?
DIGITAL IDENTITY notebook with its stylish, contemporary design is the perfect place for making notes and keeping memos.
Tribute to Andrea Palladio: the ecological and refined Arbos notebook
The stylish notebooks in our “Andrea Palladio” collection convey the classic elegance of the Palladian style in terms of production, materials and printing techniques.
Sustainability and beauty: a winning combination!
It is now increasingly important for companies to explain the ways they are becoming sustainable: not only through more efficient and ecological production systems but also through the products
Arbos joins the Circular Economy Network
We wanted to send another strong signal of our genuine green identity by joining the Italian branch of the Circular Economy Network
Arbos for Penne Montegrappa: sustainability meets luxury
Arbos has created the packaging and notebook that accompany the new Montegrappa “Elmo Ambiente” pen
Altruista: la mascherina che non c’era
Queste settimane di lockdown ci hanno fatto capire che sicurezza e salute sono valori prioritari. “Altruista” è la prima mascherina IN CARTA brevettata da Arbos.
COMICS collection. Do you remember your childhood?
The new Comics collection brings out the child in us. A range that recalls spring, that awakens our desire for colours and nature.
Recycled paper for quality museum merchandising
Italy is a country with an extremely wealthy historic and cultural heritage. Everywhere we go, we can visit museums and historic archives that tell us about the past of the local territory.
Arbos: the new collection for Coop Italia
Brands rely more and more on the importance of offering to the customer a high-quality experience
The Tribal marketing
In this age and era of individuality, the individual has a growing need for social aggregation
Green communication: a strategic choice
Consumers show appreciation for companies that are truly committed to sustainability.
Ecology and environment at the Mantua Festival
The Mantua Festival represents in Italy the main opportunity for readers and writers to meet and talk.
Arbos has become a B-corp
Companies nowadays need to ask themselves serious questions about the way they do business, to respond to the growing demands of consumers that they act in a responsible manner: both at an environmental and a social level.